Keeping Our Skies
Safe And Secure

Expertise Across

Our expertise spans across all major vehicle aerospace applications as well as each area of aerospace regulation with the flexibility of providing a tailored customer experience.

Compliance in a
Software World

We specialize in mechanical, electro-mechanical, electrical, and software integration including cybersecurity, software criticality, etc. for any product in a modern world.

Innovative Solutions
and Analysis

Using simplified techniques, we help provide a suite of deliverables with traceability across each analysis for maximum transparency and analysis to improve customer interface and reporting.

Professional Team
of Engineers

With both a technical and programmatic background, our team excels in professionally helping our customers by providing technical solutions on-time, within scope, and in a clear and concise manner.

Our Expertise


Support in MIL-STD-882E System Safety applications (including but not limited to):

- Reliability Analysis
- Maintainability Analysis
- Testability Analysis
- Bent Pin Analysis
- Failure Modes, Effects, and Criticality Analysis
- System Hazard Analysis Report
- Software Hazard Analysis
- Health Hazard Assessment
- Operating and Support Hazard Analysis


Support in ARP4761 Safety Assessment Process applications (including but not limited to):

- Reliability & Safety Program Plan
- Reliability Predictions
- Failure Modes, Effects, and Analysis
- Functional Hazard Assessment
- Preliminary System Safety Assessment
- System Safety Assessment
- Fault Tree Analysis
- DO-356 Cybersecurity Analysis

Space / Rocket

Support in Part 450 Launch and Reentry Licensing applications (including but not limited to):

- System Safety Plan
- Risk and System Safety Management Process
- Software Development Plan
- Software Verification Plan
- Software Criticality Assessment
- Ground Hazard Analysis
- Safety Critical Systems Document
- Flight Safety Analysis (FHA/FTA)

About Aero System Safety Consulting

Profile Picture

The Aerospace and Defense (A&D) Industry continues to reach new heights with new challenges. With evolving products and applications, the need for a safe and reliable approach to the design and development of aerospace products has never been more necessary.

Aero System Safety Consulting is committed to staying current on the ever-evolving need for a safe and reliable approach. Focusing on integrating core ARP4761 and ARP4754 standards into adaptable solutions for any customer, our team has safety and reliability experience across civil, military, experimental, and/or space applications.

Our team is eager to determine how we can fit our expertise with your aerospace needs.

Work Experience


2020 - 2021

A start-up rocket organization specializing in hypersonic rocket development engaged us to design and develop a complete system safety program under Part 450 application with the FAA/AST. Efforts include software criticality, level of rigor, FHA development, and fault tree analysis.


2019 - 2020

A major aerospace and defense contractor specializing in fixed wing cockpit interfaces engaged us to work multiple platforms and develop a full MIL-STD-883E statement of work spanning dozens of deliverables for both army and navy applications.


2013 - 2020

A middle level civil aerospace manufacturer specializing in electrical power and avionics engaged us to manage dozens of design and development efforts for products on Part 23 and Part 25 as well as military applications. Efforts spanned not only safety/reliability, but also system engineering, quality assurance, and program management.


2006 - 2013

A major defense contractor specializing in rotorcraft engaged us to develop, design, and execute a full Reliability, Maintenance, Availability, and Safety Plan across all sub-systems of a military naval helicopter. Additional responsibilities included supplier management, aftermarket analysis, and LRU qualification.


2005 - 2006

A major defense contractor in optical and space systems engaged us to analyze specifications and bill of materials for adequate reliability and obsolesce issues for a military design and development plan.

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